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D. H. Lawrence, Lady Chatterley's Lover

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Jahr: 2001
Mediengruppe: e-Medien
Vorbestellbar: Ja Nein
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Zweigstelle: Onleihe Mediengruppe: e-Medien Signatur: Standorte: Status: siehe Download Frist: Vorbestellungen: 0 Interessenkreis:


D. H. Lawrence is one of the most famous writers of the early twentieth century. He rejected the conventional morality of his times and decided to be open about sex in his novels and life. His most famous novel, Lady Chatterley's Lover, was also meant to be a moral (or immoral) statement. A short biography plus interpretation of Lady Chatterley in English.


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Jahr: 2001
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Beschreibung: 4 S.
Schlagwörter: Biographie, Englischunterricht, Interpretation, Lady Chatterley's lover, Lawrence, David H.
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Sprache: Englisch
Mediengruppe: e-Medien