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Text Analysis

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Jahr: 2006
Mediengruppe: e-Medien
Vorbestellbar: Ja Nein
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Zweigstelle: Onleihe Mediengruppe: e-Medien Signatur: Standorte: Status: siehe Download Frist: Vorbestellungen: 0 Interessenkreis:


A guided analysis of a monologue by Erma Tiny Motton, taken from an interview by the famous journalist Studs Terkel. With the original text, a list of vocabulary and a students answers to the following tasks.1.Write a summary of the text (about 250 words).2.Characterize Mrs. Motton.3.Analyse the style of the text.4.Comment on Mrs. Motton`s words: (11. 32/33)When you start doing good things for yourself, then you do good things for other people, too.5.a) Compare Mrs. Motton`s American Dream with Martin Luther King`s dream. b) How did Martin Luther King try to make his dream come true?


Suche nach diesem Verfasser
Jahr: 2006
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Beschreibung: 6 S.
Schlagwörter: Englischunterricht
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Sprache: Deutsch
Mediengruppe: e-Medien